Think about the discussion you had about good vs. evil after reading, “A Teen and a Trolley Reveal Society’s Dark side.” What did you learn from that collaborative discussion? What were some of the key ideas shared by your peers? Do you understand their viewpoints? Write a paragraph

In our discussion about good vs. evil after reading, “A Teen and a Trolley Reveal Society’s Dark side,” I learned that opinions vary greatly on what constitutes good and evil actions. Some of my peers argued that the greater good should be prioritized, even if it means sacrificing one individual for the benefit of the majority. Others believed that any action that harms an innocent person is inherently evil, regardless of the potential outcomes. I understand both viewpoints, as it is a complex and nuanced ethical dilemma that does not have a clear-cut answer. It was interesting to hear and consider the different perspectives and moral frameworks of my peers during our discussion.