Based on his attitude toward fishing, what can you infer about Papa’s personality? Cite textual evidence to explain your answer.

From the story, it can be inferred that Papa is patient, understanding, and determined.

One piece of evidence that supports Papa's patient nature is when he calmly explains to Nick the importance of being quiet while fishing. He tells Nick, "You know expensive those split-cane rods are, that I make?"

Papa's understanding nature is evident when he reassures Nick that it is okay to make noise while fishing, as long as they are in the boat. He says, "But if we stay in the boat, and don't slap the water, they will never know that we are fishing."

Papa's determination is shown when he ignores the rain and focuses on catching a big fish. He tells Nick, "You catch your own first. He's a nice fish. Go on and get him."

Overall, Papa's personality can be inferred as patient, understanding, and determined based on his attitude toward fishing.