story name: my mother pieced quilts

What can you infer about the speaker’s relationship with her mother? Cite specific textual evidence.

To infer about the speaker's relationship with her mother in the story "My Mother Pieced Quilts," you should analyze specific textual evidence that hints at their connection. The best way to do this is by closely examining the interactions, dialogue, and descriptions provided by the narrator. By doing so, you can draw conclusions about the speaker's feelings towards her mother.

Here are a few specific textual examples that can help you infer about the speaker's relationship with her mother:

1. "My mother pieced quilts," - The title itself suggests that the speaker's mother is skilled in quilting, indicating a close bond with her craft.

2. "She pieced them, patched them together, slowly, carefully, smoothed the tops out flat on the table, basted, pinned, lifted them to the old Singer, sitting in its lovely cabinet with scrolled legs like those of a proud, black altar, humming louder than the sewing machine at home every time she left a mark on the quilt." - This portrayal reveals the meticulous nature of the speaker's mother, illustrating her dedication and attention to detail in quilting.

3. "I like to dream pieced things of silk and gold." - This line suggests the speaker's admiration and appreciation for her mother's quilts, showcasing a positive sentiment towards her mother and her craft.

4. "Sometimes, she made quilts for people she didn't know for boys she'd never seen before they fell asleep in them," and "There was always a quilt to wrap us up like a bubble in a long winter night.” - These lines demonstrate the mother's selflessness and generosity in creating quilts for others, which could imply a loving and nurturing relationship with her family.

By examining these particular excerpts, you can infer that the speaker likely holds a deep appreciation for her mother's quilting skills, feeling a sense of warmth, comfort, and love connected to the quilts her mother creates.