Functions of parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma


1. Storage: Parenchyma cells store nutrients, water, and other substances for the plant.
2. Photosynthesis: Some parenchyma cells contain chloroplasts and are involved in photosynthesis, producing food for the plant.
3. Support: Parenchyma cells provide structural support for the plant by filling up spaces between other tissues.
4. Repair: Parenchyma cells can divide and differentiate to repair damaged tissues in the plant.

1. Support: Collenchyma cells provide flexible support for the plant, especially in young, growing tissues.
2. Growth: Collenchyma cells allow for growth and elongation of plant parts.
3. Protection: Collenchyma cells can provide protection against mechanical stress by strengthening the plant tissue.

1. Support: Sclerenchyma cells provide rigid structural support for the plant, especially in mature and woody tissues.
2. Protection: Sclerenchyma cells provide protection against mechanical stress and herbivory.
3. Conductivity: Sclerenchyma cells can also be involved in conducting water and nutrients through the plant.