What were the main foreign policy goals during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations?

During the Kennedy and Johnson administrations, the main foreign policy goals included:

1. Containment of Communism: Both administrations were committed to containing the spread of communism and supporting anti-communist governments around the world, particularly in countries seen as vulnerable to communist influence.

2. Cold War Competition: The United States was engaged in a global competition with the Soviet Union during this period, known as the Cold War. The main goal was to assert American power and influence around the world to counter Soviet expansionism.

3. Alliance Building: Both administrations sought to strengthen alliances with Western European countries, NATO allies, and other anti-communist nations in order to build a united front against the Soviet Union and its allies.

4. Nuclear Arms Control: Both Kennedy and Johnson pursued arms control agreements with the Soviet Union to reduce the risk of nuclear war and limit the arms race between the two superpowers.

5. Economic Development: The administrations also focused on promoting economic development and providing foreign aid to developing countries as a way to foster stability and gain influence in regions of strategic importance.

6. Human rights: There was also a growing emphasis on promoting human rights and democracy as part of US foreign policy during this period, particularly in Latin America and other regions where authoritarian governments were in power.

Overall, the main foreign policy goals during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations were centered around containing communism, countering the Soviet Union, building alliances, promoting economic development, and advancing human rights.