
Bioluminescence is a light producing ability common in insects and animals. Fireflies are the most commonly known bioluminescent insects with glowing abdomens. In marine organisms, bioluminescence is found in bacteria, algae, jellyfish, fish, seastars, and sharks. In some cases, animals take in bacteria or other bioluminescent creatures to gain the ability to light up.
Bioluminescent species contain luciferin, which is a molecule that produces light when it comes in contact with oxygen.
Bioluminescence is extremely common in the deep sea because sea animals illuminate the sea in order to communicate with each other. This is possible because animals can control their bioluminescence to a large extent. They can choose when to light up as well as the intensity and color of the lights that they emit.
Bioluminescence has evolved as an effective way of communication between sea animals. They are able to use their ability to light up to attract potential preys near their mouths. The deep sea is so dark that producing light allows animals to locate their preys easily. Bioluminescent animals also use lights to startle their predators and confuse them. The bright signals are used to confuse predators about the whereabouts of the animals, thus giving them time to save their lives. This ability is not only used by sea animals for hunting and protecting themselves, but also to attract potential mates. In that way, bioluminescence allows animals to form an attachment with animals of the opposite sex.
What does the word attachment suggest in the "Bioluminescence" passage?

an extension
a close relationship
an accessory
a distant feeling

a close relationship