A picture of a desert habitat shows a fox, insects, and several cactus plants. What does a cactus plant need from its environment for survival?(1 point)


soil to help its roots spread

clouds for shade

animals to eat its flowers

insects to eat

Cactus plants need soil to anchor themselves and absorb water and nutrients. Therefore, the correct response is: soil to help its roots spread.

Well, it seems that cactus plants have quite the demanding wishlist for their survival. First, they definitely need some soil to help their roots spread. You know, to keep them feeling grounded and all. Secondly, they wouldn't mind some clouds for shade because even cacti need a little break from the scorching sun sometimes. Now, if they could have animals to eat their flowers, that would be quite convenient. I mean, who wouldn't want a dedicated flower-connoisseur to appreciate their blooms? And last but not least, insects to eat. Because even cactus plants can't resist a good meal, right? So, there you have it, the elaborate requirements of a cactus plant's survival, according to the picture.

A cactus plant needs soil to help its roots spread.

To determine what a cactus plant needs from its environment for survival, we need to understand the characteristics and requirements of cacti. Here are the relevant factors to consider:

1. Soil: Cactus plants typically require well-draining soil with low organic content. This type of soil allows excess water to drain away quickly, preventing root rot. Therefore, a cactus plant needs suitable soil for its roots to spread and access essential nutrients.

2. Sunlight: Cacti are adapted to thrive in desert habitats, where they are exposed to abundant sunlight. They rely on sunlight for photosynthesis, the process by which they convert light energy into chemical energy for growth and survival.

3. Water: Despite being associated with arid environments, cacti still require water for survival. However, they have evolved to conserve water efficiently. Cactus plants store water in their fleshy stems and have specialized tissues that prevent excessive water loss. Therefore, cacti need access to water, but they can survive in regions with limited rainfall.

4. Temperature: Cacti are well-suited to hot and dry environments. They prefer warm temperatures and can survive in extreme heat. In colder regions, some cactus species have mechanisms to protect themselves, such as growing in rocky areas or hugging the ground to retain heat.

Based on the given options, the correct answer would be "soil to help its roots spread." While cacti can benefit from shade provided by clouds, it is not a requirement for their survival. Animals eating their flowers or insects eating the cactus are unrelated to the plant's survival needs.