In 3–4 sentences, explain why Josh and JB’s mom wants to change the family diet and what event this might foreshadow later in the book

Josh and JB’s mom wants to change the family diet because she believes it will improve their health and overall well-being. This may foreshadow a later event in the book where the family’s improved diet could play a crucial role in helping them overcome a challenge or obstacle. Additionally, this could also spark a conflict between the family members or lead to a significant change in their lifestyle.

in 4 sentences

Josh and JB's mom wants to change the family diet after realizing the negative impact of their current eating habits on their health. This decision may foreshadow a future event where the family must confront health issues or make a lifestyle change to address a pressing concern. The change in diet could also serve as a catalyst for personal growth and development among the family members as they adapt to a new way of eating. Ultimately, this dietary shift may lead to unexpected challenges and opportunities for the family to come together and support one another.