The Fifteenth Amendment did not solve the problem of disenfranchisement for black voters. With literacy tests, poll taxes and other laws, many Southern states found new ways to deny African-American men the right to vote. But in 1870 Georgia became the last former Confederate state to be readmitted to the Union. And in 1877, Reconstruction came to an abrupt end. That year, there was a close presidential election and both candidates claimed to have won. It is reported that Republicans and Democrats made a compromise. Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the South in exchange for the presidency. Rutherford B. Hayes became the President of the United States. Civil rights for African Americans would re-gain national attention again, but not for several decades.

Which of the following is a true statement about the end of Reconstruction?

Issues related to the civil rights of African Americans were completely resolved when Reconstruction ended.

President Rutherford B. Hayes continued the Reconstruction efforts of the Radical Republicans.

Reconstruction ended when the Fifteenth Amendment guaranteed black men the right to vote.

African-American civil rights were not fully protected or guaranteed when Reconstruction ended.


African-American civil rights were not fully protected or guaranteed when Reconstruction ended.