Which phrase describes Jim Crow laws?(1 point)


laws that required voters to take literacy tests
laws that required voters to take literacy tests

laws that required a voter to pay a tax at the polls
laws that required a voter to pay a tax at the polls

laws that limited African Americans freedom of speech.
laws that limited African Americans freedom of speech.

laws that legalized racial segregation against African Americans.

laws that legalized racial segregation against African Americans.

The phrase that describes Jim Crow laws is "laws that legalized racial segregation against African Americans." Jim Crow laws were a system of racial segregation and discrimination that were enacted in the United States between the late 19th century and the mid-20th century. These laws enforced racial segregation in public facilities, schools, transportation, and various other aspects of society. They were designed to oppress and restrict the rights and freedoms of African Americans, enforcing racial hierarchies and promoting white supremacy.

To arrive at this answer, one could have searched for information about Jim Crow laws through reliable sources such as history books, academic articles, or reputable websites. Understanding historical events and the context surrounding them is crucial in gaining knowledge and accurately answering questions.

The correct phrase that describes Jim Crow laws is "laws that legalized racial segregation against African Americans."