How did Prince Henry the Navigator contribute to Portugal's leading role in exploration?

he was the first to sail to the americas
he conquered Italian city-states
he estabished an overland route to India.
he trained many sailors in navigation and mapmaking

Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460) did not directly contribute to Portugal's leading role in exploration by sailing to the Americas, conquering Italian city-states, or establishing an overland route to India. Instead, his most significant contribution was in promoting and funding expeditions of exploration along the coast of West Africa.

Prince Henry established a center for oceanic navigation and exploration in the town of Sagres, where he brought together scholars, astronomers, navigators, and cartographers to study and develop the best techniques for maritime exploration. He sponsored expeditions along the African coast, which eventually led to the discovery of new trade routes and the establishment of Portuguese colonies in Africa and Asia.

Furthermore, Prince Henry's support of mapmaking and navigation led to advancements in cartography, the development of more accurate navigational instruments, and the improvement of sailing techniques. This ultimately played a crucial role in Portugal's expanding influence and dominance in exploration during the Age of Discovery.