Person A: “Sloth (2019) says that commercial surrogacy amounts to child trafficking under South African law. The Children’s Act 38 of 2005 says that commercial surrogacy is illegal, but altruistic surrogacy is allowed. This means that if you pay someone to carry and birth your child for you, you are guilty of trafficking.”

Person B :” I have read many studies that do not support what you are saying. Your argument is false.”

Which logical fallacy does person B commit? Briefly explain answer and support answer by quoting the two specific words used by person B that shows this type of logical fallacy.

Person B is committing the logical fallacy of Appeal to Authority. This fallacy occurs when someone believes something to be true simply because an authority figure or source says it is true, without considering any other evidence or arguments. In this case, Person B is dismissing Person A's argument without providing any counter evidence or reasoning, and instead just stating that they have read studies that contradict it.

The two specific words used by Person B that show this fallacy are "I have read." This implies that Person B is basing their belief solely on their own readings, without considering the actual argument presented by Person A.