Mongols lived in clans led by a khan, or ruler. By 1206, a warrior had united the Mongols clans under his rule. He was known as Genghis Khan. After uniting the Mongols, Genghis turned his attention to foreign conquest and led his armies southeast into China.

Genghis was a highly effective military leader. He organized his troops in groups of 10, 100, 1,000 and 10,000 men. Officers were chosen for his abilities to led groups of fierce warriors. These fighters were expert horsemen and moved fast, attacked swiftly and terrorized their enemies.

What details from the above passage support that Genghis was a highly effective military leader?

He led armies that conquered the Jin kingdom and was known as the ruler of the universe.

He organized his troops into groups, chose officers based on their abilities, and had fighters who were attached swiftly.

He was ruthless but took care of his people.

He united the Mongol clan.

B. He organized his troops into groups, chose officers based on their abilities, and had fighters who attacked swiftly.