The physical geography of the area played a role in the areas the Mongols were able to occupy. Use the map to identify a country the Mongols were unable to conquer.(1 point)

Based on the given information, it is not possible to identify a specific country the Mongols were unable to conquer without the map or more specific information.

To identify a country the Mongols were unable to conquer, we need to consider the physical geography of the region. Unfortunately, I do not have access to a map. However, I can provide you with some key information about the Mongols' conquests.

The Mongols, under the leadership of Genghis Khan and his successors, built one of the largest empires in history. They were successful in conquering vast territories, including present-day China, Korea, Central Asia, and parts of Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East.

However, there were certain regions that the Mongols were unable to conquer due to various factors, including physical geography. One such example is Japan, an island country located to the east of mainland Asia. The Mongols attempted to invade Japan in 1274 and 1281, but both invasion attempts were thwarted by typhoons, known as kamikaze, which severely damaged the Mongol fleets.

Despite their formidable military strength, the Mongols were unable to overcome the geographical challenges posed by the seas surrounding Japan, making it a country that remained unconquered by them.

To identify a country the Mongols were unable to conquer using a map, follow these steps:

1. Obtain a map that shows the regions and areas during the time period of Mongol conquests. You can use historical maps from books, online resources, or specialized websites.

2. Look for the territories that the Mongols were able to conquer. The Mongol Empire at its height extended from China in the east to Eastern Europe in the west, including parts of Central Asia and the Middle East. Identify the regions that were under Mongol control.

3. Identify the neighboring countries or regions that were not part of the Mongol Empire. These would be the areas where the Mongols were unable to conquer.

4. Compare the identified regions with the countries on the modern-day map. Keep in mind that borders have changed over time, so it might be useful to refer to historical sources or consult with experts to ensure accuracy.

5. Once you have identified a country that was not conquered by the Mongols, you can provide it as the answer to the question.

Note: The specific country that the Mongols were unable to conquer may vary depending on the time period you are referring to and the map you are using.