ADC clock is 10 MHz. ADC sampling time is 12.5

ADC clock cycles. Resolution is 12-bits.
Determine conversion time.

The conversion time can be calculated using the formula:

Conversion time = Sampling time x (Resolution + 1)

Given that the sampling time is 12.5 ADC clock cycles and the resolution is 12-bits, the conversion time can be calculated as:

Conversion time = 12.5 x (12 + 1)
Conversion time = 12.5 x 13
Conversion time = 162.5 ADC clock cycles

To convert this to time, we can divide by the ADC clock frequency:

Conversion time = 162.5 / 10 MHz
Conversion time = 16.25 µs

Therefore, the conversion time of the ADC is 16.25 microseconds.