How are these stories From Scratch by Susie Castellanos and Amy's Metaphore different in tone?

"From Scratch" by Susie Castellanos has a more serious and introspective tone, focusing on the protagonist's struggle to rebuild her life after a devastating loss. The story delves into deep emotional themes and showcases the protagonist's resilience and determination to start anew.

On the other hand, "Amy's Metaphore" has a more lighthearted and whimsical tone. The story follows a young girl named Amy as she navigates her school life using metaphors as a way to understand the world around her. The tone of the story is playful and imaginative, highlighting Amy's unique way of thinking and her creativity.

Overall, while both stories may explore themes of personal growth and self-discovery, the tone of "From Scratch" is more introspective and serious, while "Amy's Metaphore" is more light-hearted and imaginative.