Amy’s Metaphor, by Elisa Oh, is about a girl that completes an assignment about a metaphor about herself. She tells her teacher she can’t complete the second part of the assignment because she can’t think of a metaphor that matches her. From Scratch, by Susie Castellano, is about a girl who is working in the kitchen with her mother. She feels sad when she sees the super market and how it is unfriendly. The plot structures of both stories mix present and past events. In From Scratch, Priya and her mother Lindsay over the course of the story. In Amy’s Metaphor, the plot structure is organized as a _________.


In Amy's Metaphor, the plot structure is organized as a "metaphorical roller coaster ride through the mysteries of self-discovery." Just like a roller coaster, the story takes readers on an exhilarating journey as Amy tries to find a metaphor that truly represents her. It's a wild ride full of twists, turns, and unexpected revelations. Hang on tight and prepare for a metaphorical adventure!

The plot structure of "Amy's Metaphor" is organized as a frame narrative.

In order to determine the plot structure of "Amy's Metaphor" by Elisa Oh, we need to understand the basic elements of the story. The story revolves around a girl named Amy, who completes an assignment about a metaphor representing herself. However, Amy finds difficulty in coming up with a metaphor for the second part of the assignment.

To identify the plot structure, we need to analyze how the events unfold in the story. Plot structure refers to the organization and chronological order of events that make up the story. It helps us understand the progression and development of the narrative.

In this case, since the question mentions that both stories mix present and past events, we can assume that "Amy's Metaphor" also follows the same pattern. The story may jump back and forth between Amy's present situation of struggling to find a metaphor and her past experiences that influence her struggles and self-perception.

Therefore, the plot structure of "Amy's Metaphor" can be described as a non-linear or a mixture of present and past events. This structure allows the reader to understand the challenges Amy faces in completing the assignment by exploring her past experiences and how they shape her self-perception.