In three to five sentences explain how resource scarcity, competition, and the survival of organisms are connected.

make it sound like a 8 grader wrote it

Resource scarcity, competition, and the survival of organisms are all connected because as resources become limited, organisms have to compete with each other to survive. For example, if there are only a few water sources in an area, animals will have to fight for access to those sources in order to stay hydrated. This competition can determine which organisms are able to survive and reproduce, leading to the evolution of traits that help them better compete for resources. In the end, only the strongest and most adaptable organisms will be able to thrive in environments with limited resources.


When resources like food and water are scarce, organisms have to compete with each other to survive. The ones that are better at getting the resources they need are more likely to live and reproduce. This competition helps determine which organisms can survive and thrive in a specific environment.