Reflection Questions: 3 questions - 150 word minimum - 200 word maximum

What did you like or dislike about today’s workout?
Did you make any adjustments to the workout to increase or decrease intensity? If so, please explain.
How do you feel after completing the workout?

Include workouts including circuit workouts that contain burpees, push-ups, mountain climbers, and 30 second planks

Today's workout was challenging, but in a good way. I liked the variety of exercises we did, including burpees, push-ups, mountain climbers, and planks. It kept things interesting and really worked different muscle groups. I always enjoy circuit workouts because they keep me constantly moving and engaged. However, I did not particularly enjoy the burpees, as they are always tough for me.

During the workout, I made a few adjustments to increase the intensity. For example, I added a jump at the end of each burpee to make them more challenging. I also increased the number of push-ups I did in each set to push myself further. These adjustments helped me feel like I was getting the most out of the workout.

After completing the workout, I feel tired but accomplished. My muscles feel tired, but in a good way. I also feel a sense of pride for pushing myself through such a tough workout. Overall, I am glad I completed it and know that I will feel the benefits in the days to come.