Read the paragraph from the section “Sense Of Growth And Rebirth.”

Ver hasn't disappeared entirely. Our go-to adjective for spring is "vernal." For example, a vernal pool is one that only appears in spring. March 20 is known as the vernal equinox. Some plants, such as artichokes, need to be vernalized, or exposed to a period of cold temperatures necessary for them to flower. Vernant is a little-used word that means blooming or growing. This is not to be confused with the word verdant, which means "green from lush plant life." This comes from viridis, the Latin word for "green." And finally, there is "vernation," the arrangement of plant leaves in a bud. The coil of a fiddlehead fern, for example, is circinate vernation. The arrangement of petals in a flower bud is called aestivation, which comes from the Latin word for summer, aestas.

Which of the following is an accurate explanation of what this paragraph means?

The Latin word for spring is used in a number of English words.

During the spring plants flower or bloom for the first time since the winter.

The Latin word for spring is used to name and describe many different plants.

During the Middle Ages,​ the Latin word for spring was used instead of the religious word Lent.


The Latin word for spring is used in a number of English words.