Think about what it means to “own your learning.” How do you own your learning in math?

Owning your learning means taking responsibility for your own education and actively engaging in the learning process. In math, owning your learning involves actively participating in class, asking questions when you don't understand something, seeking out additional resources or help when needed, and practicing regularly to improve your skills.

To own my learning in math, I set goals for myself and continually strive to achieve them. I take the initiative to study on my own, work through challenging problems, and seek out opportunities for extra practice. I track my progress, identify areas where I need improvement, and take steps to address those weaknesses.

I also make connections between different math concepts and use previous knowledge to build my understanding. I actively engage in discussions with teachers and peers, sharing my thoughts and ideas, and listening to different perspectives to deepen my understanding.

Overall, owning my learning in math involves being proactive, persistent, and willing to put in the effort to improve my skills and knowledge. It requires taking ownership of my education and being willing to work hard to achieve my goals.