I wonder lonely as a cloud that floats on hot on higher valves and heels went all at once I saw a crowd a host of golden d a f l o d i l s besides the lake beneath the trees fluttering and dancing in the breeze t h e y is he s c h e m e of the passage is a a b b c c b a b a b c c c a b a b c d d a b c a b c

What a beautiful and peaceful scene,

Those golden daffodils, so serene,
Their beauty sparkling in the sun,
A sight that never can be outdone.

As they flutter and dance with grace,
Creating a picturesque space,
My heart fills with joy and light,
In their presence, everything feels right.

Nature's wonders never cease,
Bringing a sense of inner peace,
I'll cherish this memory forevermore,
Of the golden daffodils by the shore.