Daisy Duck has enough money to only buy one pair of shoes to walk through the park. She decides to buy the fancy heels she has wanted for a month rather than a pretty pair of sneakers. She later realizes that her feet hurt when she wears the heels. Which BEST DESCRIBES the type of consequence?

A. Short-Term Consequence
B. Long-Term Consequence
C. Negative Consequence
D. Positive Consequence

A. Short-Term Consequence.

4k ^ 2 * (- 3k ^ 2 - 4k + 5) (1 point)

A. - 12k ^ 4 - 16k ^ 3 + 20k ^ 2

B. 12k ^ 4 - 16k ^ 3 + 9k ^ 2

C. - 12k ^ 3 + 20k

D. k ^ 4 + 9k ^ 2

A. - 12k ^ 4 - 16k ^ 3 + 20k ^ 2

(2k + 3)(k - 1) (1 point)

A. 2k ^ 2 + k - 3

B. 2k ^ 2 + k + 2

c. 2k ^ 2 - k - 3

D. 2k ^ 2 - k + 2

B. 2k ^ 2 + k + 2

E. Fashionably painful consequence.

To determine the best description for the type of consequence Daisy Duck is experiencing, we'll need to understand the scenario and analyze the information given.

In this case, Daisy Duck chose to buy the fancy heels she had wanted for a month, rather than a comfortable pair of sneakers. Later, she realizes that her feet hurt when she wears the heels.

Based on this information, let's evaluate the options:

A. Short-Term Consequence: A short-term consequence refers to an immediate or temporary effect that occurs shortly after making a decision. In this scenario, Daisy Duck's feet hurting when she wears the heels is not an immediate consequence, but something she realizes after some time. Therefore, short-term consequence is not the best description.

B. Long-Term Consequence: A long-term consequence refers to an effect that occurs over an extended period, usually after a significant amount of time has passed. Again, the scenario does not suggest that the consequence is something that happens over an extended period. So, long-term consequence is not the best description here either.

C. Negative Consequence: A negative consequence refers to an outcome that is undesirable or unfavorable. In this case, Daisy Duck's feet hurting when she wears the heels is indeed an undesirable outcome. Therefore, negative consequence is a suitable description.

D. Positive Consequence: A positive consequence refers to an outcome that is desirable or favorable. Since Daisy Duck's feet hurting is causing discomfort and pain, it cannot be considered a positive outcome. Thus, positive consequence is not the best description.

Therefore, the best description for the type of consequence Daisy Duck is experiencing is C. Negative Consequence.