Facts or data are types of (1 point)

• models.
• reasoning.
• explanations.
• evidence.


What change is observed in a distribution curve for a trait affected by directional selection? (1 point)

• It shifts to the left.
It shifts either to the right or to the left.
• It shifts to the right and to the left.
• It shifts to the right.

• It shifts to the right.

In a population of birds, brightly colored males and very dull males survive best. Which type of selection is this, and what is most likely true about the proportion of males of intermediate coloring? (1 point)

• Stabilizing; males of intermediate coloring make up the greatest part of the population.
• Directional, males of intermediate coloring make up a small part of the population.
• Disruptive; males of intermediate coloring make up a small part of the population.
• Directional; males of intermediate coloring make up the greatest part of the population.

• Disruptive; males of intermediate coloring make up a small part of the population.