Why should we use plant cells to make things instead of things made from oil?

There are several advantages to using plant cells to make things instead of things made from oil:

1. Sustainability: Plant cells are renewable resources, whereas oil is a finite resource that is non-renewable. By using plant cells, we can reduce our reliance on oil and decrease our impact on the environment.

2. Biodegradability: Products made from plant cells are often biodegradable, meaning they break down naturally and do not contribute to pollution in the same way that oil-based products do.

3. Lower carbon footprint: Plant-based products typically have a lower carbon footprint than oil-based products, as they require less energy to produce and emit fewer greenhouse gases during their production.

4. Health benefits: Plant-based products are often healthier for consumers, as they are free from harmful chemicals and additives commonly found in oil-based products.

Overall, using plant cells to make things can help us create a more sustainable and environmentally-friendly society.