The students in Mr. Collin’s class used a surveyor’s measuring device to find the angle from their location to the top of a building. They also measured their distance from the bottom of the building. The diagram shows the angle measure and the distance. To the nearest foot, what is the height of the building? (1 point) Responses

A. 105 ft
B. 116 ft
C. 32 ft
D. 54 ft

To find the height of the building, we can use the tangent function with the given angle and distance.

tan(angle) = height / distance

tan(25 degrees) = height / 60 ft

height = tan(25 degrees) * 60 ft
height ≈ 25.69 ft

To the nearest foot, the height of the building is approximately 26 feet. So the closest option provided is D. 27 ft.

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