Triangle Angle Sum Theorem Quick Check

5 of 55 of 5 Items

Use the image to answer the question.

A triangle a b c is shown with angle a measuring 4 x plus 14, angle b measuring 5 x plus 4, and angle c measuring 6 x minus 3.

Use the Triangle Angle Sum Theorem to find the measure of the angles for the triangle in the diagram.

(1 point)

59°, 63°, and 48°
59 degrees , 63 degrees , and 48 degrees

59°, 58°, and 63°
59 degrees , 58 degrees , and 63 degrees

57°, 54°, and 69°
57 degrees , 54 degrees , and 69 degrees

54°, 44°, and 82°

To find the measure of the angles, we can set up an equation using the Triangle Angle Sum Theorem, which states that the sum of the measures of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees.

The equation would be:
(4x + 14) + (5x + 4) + (6x - 3) = 180

Combine like terms:
15x + 15 = 180

Subtract 15 from both sides:
15x = 165

Divide both sides by 15:
x = 11

Now we can substitute x back into the expressions for the angles:
Angle a = 4x + 14 = 4(11) + 14 = 44 + 14 = 58 degrees
Angle b = 5x + 4 = 5(11) + 4 = 55 + 4 = 59 degrees
Angle c = 6x - 3 = 6(11) - 3 = 66 - 3 = 63 degrees

Therefore, the measure of the angles for the triangle in the diagram is 58 degrees, 59 degrees, and 63 degrees.

Correct response:
59 degrees, 58 degrees, and 63 degrees