How to address an issue of teachers who do not prepare before class, you will find out that instead of teaching they chat or along the way their story ends and learners start being disruptive

1. Have a private conversation with the teacher in question to discuss the issue. Express your concerns and provide specific examples of when their lack of preparation has affected the classroom environment.

2. Offer support and resources to help the teacher better prepare for classes. This could include providing lesson planning templates, suggesting time management strategies, or offering guidance on how to engage students effectively.

3. Set clear expectations and boundaries for the classroom environment. Let the teacher know that chatting or veering off topic during class is not acceptable and disrupts the learning process for students.

4. Monitor the teacher's progress and provide feedback on their performance. Offer constructive criticism and praise for any improvements they make in their preparation and teaching methods.

5. If the issue persists, consider involving the school administration or seeking support from colleagues to address the problem collectively. It's important to ensure that all teachers are held accountable for their responsibilities in creating a positive and productive learning environment.