Meaning for:

Caste system
Ganges River

- Caste system: A social hierarchy prevalent in South Asia, particularly in India, where individuals are grouped into specific social categories based on birth and traditionally have limited social mobility.

- Untouchable: A term historically used in the Indian caste system to refer to individuals considered impure and outside the regular caste hierarchy, often performing tasks deemed as ritually unclean.

- Sanskrit: An ancient Indo-European language of India, widely used in classical Indian literature, religious texts, and philosophical works.

- Buddhism: A religious tradition founded by Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha) in ancient India, emphasizing the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path as a means to reach enlightenment and liberation from suffering.

- Punjab: A region in South Asia, located in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent, known for its fertile lands and significant Sikh population.

- Dowry: The practice of providing gifts or money by the bride's family to the groom at the time of marriage, prevalent in certain cultures and societies.

- Sikhism: A monotheistic religion founded by Guru Nanak in the Punjab region of India, emphasizing equality, devotion to one God, and social justice.

- Varanasi: A city in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, considered one of the oldest inhabited cities in the world and a major pilgrimage site for Hindus.

- Ganges River: A sacred river in India, revered by Hindus as a goddess and believed to have purifying properties. It is considered one of the holiest rivers in Hinduism.

- Jainism: An ancient religion originating in India, founded by Mahavira, which emphasizes non-violence, self-discipline, and spiritual liberation through ascetic practices.