Which of the following Indian religions has the central belief that can be described as “all life is suffering”?(1 point) Responses Islam Islam Hinduism Hinduism Sikhism Sikhism Buddhism Buddhism


The Indian religion that has the central belief that can be described as "all life is suffering" is Buddhism.

The Indian religion that has the central belief that can be described as "all life is suffering" is Buddhism. If you want to find the correct answer yourself, you can do the following:

1. Look at each religion mentioned: Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, and Buddhism.
2. Consider the core beliefs of each religion.
3. Identify the belief that aligns with the statement "all life is suffering."

In this case, Buddhism is the correct answer because it teaches the Four Noble Truths, one of which is that all life involves suffering (known as Dukkha). This belief is a fundamental concept in Buddhism.