Which of the following Indian religions has the central belief

that can be described as “all life is suffering”? (1 point)


The Indian religion that has the central belief that can be described as "all life is suffering" is Buddhism.

The Indian religion that has the central belief described as "all life is suffering" is Buddhism. To arrive at this answer, we need to have some background knowledge about these religions.

Firstly, Sikhism is a religion that originated in Punjab, India, in the 15th century. Sikhism emphasizes the belief in one God, equality, and social justice.

Hinduism, on the other hand, is one of the oldest religions in the world. It is a complex and diverse religion with numerous beliefs and practices. While Hinduism acknowledges the presence of suffering in life, it does not have the central belief that "all life is suffering."

Islam is a monotheistic religion that originated in the 7th century CE in the Arabian Peninsula. It teaches the belief in one God, Allah, and follows the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad as revealed in the Quran. However, Islam does not propagate the belief that "all life is suffering."

Buddhism, founded by Siddhartha Gautama in the 5th century BCE in India, is based on the principles of the Four Noble Truths. The first of these truths is the belief that "all life is suffering" or in Pali, "Dukkha." Buddhism explains that suffering is a fundamental aspect of existence and can only be transcended through enlightenment.

In summary, of the provided options, Buddhism is the Indian religion that has the central belief described as "all life is suffering."