In three to five sentences explain how resource scarcity, competition, and the survival of organisms are connected.(4 poin

Resource scarcity leads to competition among organisms for limited resources such as food, water, and shelter. This competition is driven by the need for survival, as organisms must obtain enough resources to meet their basic needs in order to survive and reproduce. In this competitive environment, only the organisms that are best adapted to efficiently utilize and obtain resources will be able to survive and pass on their genes to the next generation. This process of natural selection ultimately leads to the survival of the fittest organisms, as those with advantageous traits are able to outcompete others and thrive in their environment.

Make it sound like a 7th grader

When there isn't enough stuff like food or shelter for all the animals in an area, they have to fight to get what they need. This competition is because every animal needs certain things to stay alive and have babies. The animals that are really good at getting what they need are the ones that survive and have babies of their own. So basically, my dude, when there's not enough resources, animals gotta compete and the strongest and smartest ones are the ones that make it out alive.

Your teacher asks you to write a paper that supports a claim with evidence. In three to five sentences, describe one claim you would like to make and discuss different forms of evidence you can collect to support your claim. Where would you look for this evidence?(4 points)

One claim I would like to make is that regular exercise improves academic performance in students. To support this claim, I could collect evidence from scientific studies that show a correlation between physical activity and cognitive function, such as improved memory and focus. I could also gather data from schools that have implemented physical education programs and track the academic performance of students before and after the programs were introduced. Additionally, I could conduct surveys or interviews with students to gather their personal experiences and perceptions of the impact of exercise on their academic success. I would look for this evidence in academic journals, research databases, school administration records, and through direct interactions with students.

Make it about the previous topic and make it sound like a 7th grader

One claim I want to make is that when animals have to fight for food and stuff, only the really strong and smart ones survive. I can find evidence for this by looking at pictures and videos of animals fighting for resources. I can also read books or articles about how competition helps animals become better at getting what they need to stay alive. And maybe I can talk to a scientist who studies how animals survive in the wild to get more information to back up my claim.