In this section, students should discuss strategies, a clear viable plan, that would help to increase representation of underrepresented groups. What has worked in the past?

a) Advocating for equal opportunities
b) Implementing diversity training programs
c) Creating mentorship initiatives
d) All of the above

d) All of the above.

Advocating for equal opportunities is crucial in increasing representation of underrepresented groups. This includes actively seeking out and hiring individuals from diverse backgrounds, as well as providing opportunities for career advancement and leadership roles.

Implementing diversity training programs can help raise awareness and educate all employees on the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. These programs can help combat biases and stereotypes, creating a more inclusive and welcoming environment for all employees.

Creating mentorship initiatives can also be effective in increasing representation of underrepresented groups. Pairing employees with mentors who can provide guidance, support, and opportunities for growth can help individuals from underrepresented groups navigate their career paths and develop the skills needed for success.

Overall, a combination of these strategies and a clear viable plan for implementation can help organizations increase representation of underrepresented groups and create a more diverse and inclusive workplace.