What was the impact of FDR's time in Warm Springs? Reference at least one specific impact shown in the videos or readings.

One specific impact of FDR's time in Warm Springs was the establishment of the Warm Springs Foundation, later known as the Roosevelt Warm Springs Institute for Rehabilitation. This institute was created to provide care and treatment for individuals with polio and other physical disabilities, offering physical therapy, vocational training, and social support. FDR's own experience at Warm Springs inspired him to work towards improving the lives of those with disabilities, and the institute continues to serve as a legacy of his time there.

what did FDR mean

FDR is an abbreviation for Franklin D. Roosevelt, who was the 32nd President of the United States. During his presidency, FDR implemented various programs to address the economic challenges of the Great Depression and led the country through World War II. He is known for his New Deal policies that aimed to provide relief, recovery, and reform to the American people during the 1930s. Additionally, FDR's leadership style and communication skills were vital in maintaining national morale during times of crisis.