What was the impact of FDR's time in Warm Springs? Reference at least one specific impact shown in the videos or readings

One specific impact of FDR's time in Warm Springs was his personal transformation in dealing with his disability. According to the videos and readings, FDR arrived at Warm Springs, Georgia, in 1924 as a polio survivor unable to walk without assistance and deeply affected by the physical limitations imposed by the disease.

At Warm Springs, FDR found a therapeutic community that focused on physical rehabilitation and fostered a sense of camaraderie among its members. The videos and readings highlight how the environment at Warm Springs allowed FDR to regain his strength and regain some control over his body. Through rigorous physical therapy programs, he gradually gained mobility and learned to use braces and other assistive devices.

This transformative experience in Warm Springs had a profound impact on FDR's mindset about disability and his approach as a public figure. The videos and readings depicted FDR's newfound confidence and determination to overcome the limitations imposed by his illness. He began to view his disability not as a hindrance but as an opportunity to relate to the struggles of ordinary people.

FDR's time in Warm Springs shaped his perspective on disability and empathy towards those facing similar challenges. He co-founded the Georgia Warm Springs Foundation, which later became the March of Dimes, to support polio research and provide assistance to individuals with disabilities.

Overall, the impact of FDR's time in Warm Springs was evident in his personal growth, his ability to empathize with the disabled community, and his commitment to improving their lives through policy initiatives.

so to sum it up, in Warm Springs was evident in his personal growth, his ability to empathize with the disabled community, and his commitment to improving their lives

Yes, that is correct. FDR's time in Warm Springs facilitated his personal growth, allowing him to regain mobility and cultivate a newfound determination to overcome his disability. This experience also fostered his ability to empathize with the disabled community, as he understood the challenges they faced firsthand. As a result, FDR became more committed to improving the lives of individuals with disabilities by advocating for policies and initiatives that supported their needs.