Pages Read

0 2 4 6 8
Time (hours)
Michael is participating in a summer reading challenge. He is logging the number of pages he can read over the course of several hours. The results are shown in the graph. Approximately how many hours did it take Michael to read 150 pages? Round to the nearest whole number.

it took him 5 hours

Based on the graph, we can see that when Michael reads for approximately 4 hours, he is able to read 400 pages. Therefore, we can estimate that for every hour, he reads 100 pages (400 pages / 4 hours = 100 pages/hour).

To estimate how many hours it took Michael to read 150 pages, we can divide 150 pages by 100 pages/hour:

150 pages / 100 pages/hour = 1.5 hours

Therefore, it took Michael approximately 1.5 hours to read 150 pages. Rounded to the nearest whole number, this would be 2 hours. Answer: \boxed{2}.