Brian can read 80 pages in 2 hours. How many pages can you read in 3.5 hours

A: 11.43 pages
B: 560 pages
C: 45. 71 pages
D: 140 pages

We can solve this problem by setting up a proportion.

The ratio of pages read to time taken is the same for both Brian and you.

For Brian, the ratio is 80 pages / 2 hours = 40 pages/hour.

Let's call the number of pages you can read in 3.5 hours "x".

So, the ratio for you is x pages / 3.5 hours.

Setting up the proportion:

40 pages/hour = x pages / 3.5 hours

To find x, let's cross multiply:

40 * 3.5 = x

x = 140

Therefore, you can read 140 pages in 3.5 hours.

The answer is (D) 140 pages.

To determine the number of pages you can read in 3.5 hours, we need to find the reading rate per hour.

Brian can read 80 pages in 2 hours.
So, his reading rate per hour is 80 pages / 2 hours = 40 pages/hour.

To find the number of pages you can read in 3.5 hours, we can multiply your reading rate per hour by 3.5 hours:

Number of pages you can read = 40 pages/hour * 3.5 hours = 140 pages.

Therefore, the correct answer is D: 140 pages.

To find the number of pages you can read in 3.5 hours, we need to use a proportional relationship based on Brian's reading speed.

We know that Brian can read 80 pages in 2 hours. To find the reading speed per hour, we can divide the number of pages by the number of hours: 80 pages / 2 hours = 40 pages per hour.

Now, we can use this reading speed to determine how many pages you can read in 3.5 hours. We multiply the reading speed per hour by the number of hours: 40 pages/hour * 3.5 hours = 140 pages.

Therefore, the correct answer is D: 140 pages.