The Case of the Missing Cheeseburgers

Billy was an angry man. He was jealous that all of the other guys in town got to eat cheeseburgers for free. Every ___witness___ in town knew this, so when they were assigned to the case of the missing cheeseburgers, their first _____suspect____ was Billy! Billy would definitely have a ____motive____ to steal cheeseburgers, since he was so bitter and angry about the situation.
Detective Sesame was at the crime scene, Mama’s Burger Joint, collecting clues. While collecting clues, he was very careful not to jump to any conclusions, as a ________alibi________ had distracted and fooled him before! He questioned all of the employees, but nobody saw anyone leave with cheeseburgers: “Oh, no! No _____breakthrough____!?” exclaimed Detective Sesame. “How am I supposed to catch this burger burglar if nobody saw him??”
Detective Sesame and his partner Detective Angus didn’t give up. They went straight to Billy’s house to see if he knew anything about this. They thought maybe they could catch him in a lie. They wrapped on his door.
“Billy, where were you two nights ago??” They knew he wasn’t going to have a good answer. They were wrong. Billy had an ______alibi____. He was at work and his boss could prove it.
Days went by and there wasn’t a ______Deductive reasoning________ in the case. No new clues. The detectives used their logical thinking. They eliminated many possible suspects by ________breakthough________. Then, Detective Sesame got a ____red herring_____; he had a feeling that he didn’t get all of the information from the employees. He went back to Mama’s Burger Joint and re-interviewed three of the cooks and one cleaner. Finally, he put all of the pieces of the puzzle together through _____inductive reasoning_______. He figured out what happened to the missing cheeseburgers!! Did you??

Based on the given information, here is a possible solution to the case of the missing cheeseburgers:

Detective Sesame, after re-interviewing the employees at Mama's Burger Joint, noticed that one of the cooks, let's call him Cook A, seemed nervous and avoided eye contact during the interview. This raised suspicion in Detective Sesame's mind.

Using his deductive reasoning skills, Detective Sesame analyzed the information he had gathered so far. He knew that Billy had an alibi and was not involved in the theft of the cheeseburgers. Therefore, he eliminated Billy as a suspect.

Focusing on Cook A, Detective Sesame used inductive reasoning to put the pieces of the puzzle together. He realized that Cook A had access to the cheeseburgers as part of his job and his behavior during the interview was indicative of guilt.

After further investigation, Detective Sesame discovered that Cook A had been stealing cheeseburgers from Mama's Burger Joint and selling them on the side for extra profit. Cook A had been careful not to be seen by any of the witnesses, which is why nobody saw anyone leave with the cheeseburgers.

In conclusion, Cook A was the burger burglar who had been stealing the cheeseburgers from Mama's Burger Joint. Detective Sesame's deductive and inductive reasoning skills helped him solve the case and find out what happened to the missing cheeseburgers.