What is the answers of in the blanks? In the story, The Case of the Missing Cheeseburgers?

Billy was an angry man. He was jealous that all of the other guys in town got to eat cheeseburgers for free. Every _______ in town knew this, so when they were assigned to the case of the missing cheeseburgers, their first __________ was Billy! Billy would definitely have a ________ to steal cheeseburgers, since he was so bitter and angry about the situation.

person, suspect, motive

To determine the answers to the blanks in the story "The Case of the Missing Cheeseburgers," you can analyze the context and the clues provided in the passage.

In this case, the context suggests that the missing cheeseburgers and the suspicion of Billy are related. Let's break down the clues:

1. "Every _______ in town knew this..." - The word missing in the first blank refers to a group of people or individuals who are aware of Billy's jealousy regarding free cheeseburgers. Based on the sentence structure, we can assume it is a plural noun.

2. "...their first __________ was Billy!" - The phrase "their first" implies that the missing word in the second blank should be a noun that describes an action or step taken in an investigation.

3. "Billy would definitely have a ________ to steal cheeseburgers..." - The sentence suggests that the missing word in the third blank is a noun that represents a motive or reason to steal cheeseburgers, given Billy's bitterness and anger.

Considering these clues, here are possible answers for the blanks:

1. "Every detective/investigator/person in town knew this..."

2. "...their first lead/hunch/suspicion was Billy!"

3. "Billy would definitely have a motive/reason to steal cheeseburgers..."

By understanding the context and using logical reasoning, you can determine the answers to the blanks in the story.

To fill in the blanks, we need to understand the context and logical progression of the story.

1. "Every _______ in town knew this..."
Here, we need a noun that refers to the people in town who have knowledge about Billy's jealousy. Based on the sentence structure, the missing word should be a plural noun. Let's examine the options: citizens, residents, people, individuals. The most fitting option seems to be "people."

2. "...their first __________ was Billy!"
In this blank, we need a noun that represents the investigators' initial action or step upon starting the case. It should be a singular noun. Possible options include suspicion, lead, clue, guess. Considering the context, the word "suspect" seems appropriate.

3. "Billy would definitely have a ________ to steal cheeseburgers..."
In this sentence, we are looking for a noun that explains why Billy would have a motive or reason to steal cheeseburgers. It needs to be a singular noun. Possible options can be motive, reason, drive, desire. The word "motive" best fits the sentence.

So, the answers for the blanks are:
1. Every people in town knew this...
2. ...their first suspect was Billy!
3. Billy would definitely have a motive to steal cheeseburgers...