What is synthetic resin preferable to natural resin

There are several reasons why synthetic resin may be preferable to natural resin:

1. Cost-effectiveness: Synthetic resin is generally less expensive to produce compared to natural resin. This makes it a more cost-effective option for various applications where resin is needed, such as in construction, automotive, or electronics industries.

2. Consistency and quality control: Synthetic resin can be produced with specific properties and characteristics tailored to meet specific requirements. This allows for better consistency and quality control compared to natural resin, which can vary in composition and performance depending on factors like season, climate, and growth conditions.

3. Availability and sustainability: Synthetic resin can be manufactured at any time, regardless of availability or accessibility to specific natural resources. Natural resin, on the other hand, depends on the availability of specific tree sap, which may be limited or affected by environmental factors such as deforestation or disease.

4. Durability and stability: Synthetic resin often exhibits greater durability, stability, and resistance to environmental factors such as moisture, UV radiation, and chemicals compared to natural resin. This makes it suitable for various applications where long-term performance and resistance are required.

5. Versatility: Synthetic resin can be engineered to have a wide range of mechanical, thermal, and chemical properties. This versatility allows synthetic resin to be used in diverse applications, from adhesives and coatings to composites and molded products.

However, it's important to note that there are still cases where natural resin may be preferred, such as for historical preservation or when specific aesthetic or cultural aspects are significant. Additionally, natural resin may have minimal environmental impact compared to some synthetic resins, which can be derived from non-renewable resources and have higher carbon footprints.