Amber, which is made from hardened tree resin, is a gem. Although amber is often used in jewelry, it is not a mineral. Which statement explains why amber is not a mineral?

A. It is not inorganic.
B. It is not solid.
C. It is not valuable.
D. It is not natural.

A. It is not inorganic.

The statement that explains why amber is not a mineral is:

A. It is not inorganic.

Amber is not considered a mineral because it is primarily composed of organic material, specifically hardened tree resin. Minerals, on the other hand, are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a specific chemical composition and crystal structure.

The correct statement that explains why amber is not a mineral is A. It is not inorganic.

To understand why, let's break down the options:

A. It is not inorganic: This statement is correct because amber is derived from organic material - hardened tree resin. Minerals, on the other hand, are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a fixed chemical composition and a specific crystal structure.

B. It is not solid: This statement is incorrect because amber is indeed a solid substance. It is hardened and can be shaped or carved.

C. It is not valuable: This statement is not a relevant explanation for why amber is not a mineral. The value of a substance does not determine whether it is a mineral or not. Amber can be valuable due to its beauty and historical significance.

D. It is not natural: This statement is incorrect because amber is considered a natural material. It is formed over millions of years through the fossilization of resin from ancient trees.

Considering all the options, the correct explanation for why amber is not a mineral is that it is not inorganic.