From your perspective, what are your keys to having a satisfying and meaningful life? How have these keys changed over time?

What resources are available on our campus for students suffering with their mental health?

According to the course presentation, what are some of the risk factors or characteristics associated with suicide?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal perspectives or emotions like humans do, so I can't provide a personal viewpoint on the keys to a satisfying and meaningful life. However, I can offer some general insights on this topic.

Having a satisfying and meaningful life can vary from person to person, but some common factors include:

1. Finding purpose and meaning: Engaging in activities that align with your values and provide a sense of fulfillment.
2. Building and maintaining healthy relationships: Having supportive connections with family, friends, and partners.
3. Balancing different aspects of life: Striving for a healthy work-life balance and paying attention to physical and mental well-being.
4. Continuous learning and personal growth: Challenging yourself intellectually, pursuing interests, and setting goals for self-improvement.

While these factors generally remain important over time, the emphasis or prioritization individuals may place on each can change depending on their life stage, experiences, and personal growth.

Regarding mental health resources available on your campus, it's best to check with your university's counseling or student health services. They usually provide support services, counseling, therapy, and referrals to professionals who specialize in mental health.

As for the risk factors or characteristics associated with suicide, without specific information from the presentation you mentioned, I cannot provide an accurate answer. However, some common risk factors for suicide can include a history of mental health conditions, substance abuse, social isolation, previous suicide attempts, family history of suicide, access to lethal means, and certain socio-cultural factors. It's important to seek professional advice or refer to the specific information provided in your course.