where should strength and power training fit into a session?

Strength and power training should typically be incorporated at the beginning of a workout session. This is because these types of exercises require a high level of focus, energy, and proper form, which may diminish as a workout progresses and fatigue sets in. Additionally, starting with strength and power exercises allows individuals to lift heavier weights or exert more force while they are fresh, which can lead to greater muscle activation and overall gains.

However, it's essential to warm up before engaging in strength and power training to prevent injury. Including a dynamic warm-up routine that focuses on activating the muscles you plan to target during the workout is crucial. This can consist of mobility exercises, light cardio, and dynamic stretches.

After completing the strength and power exercises, it is common to move on to other components of a well-rounded workout, such as muscular endurance exercises, cardiovascular training, flexibility exercises, or cool-down stretches. By programming strength and power training at the beginning of a session, you can maximize your performance and overall results.