Pip pops is a town that is 80 miles right away From the town of Shim pin. Pip pops has a rail road that is 40 degrees aiming to the left that is 85 miles long. on the other Railroad belonging to Shim pin, and it is 125 degrees facing right and 90 miles long. the conductor of the Pip pops train wants to know what time he shouldn't leave so he doesn't collide with the Shim pin train, so if shim pin leaves at 7:30 at 55 miles an hour, what time would pip pops leave to collide with Shim pin at 70 miles an hour

To solve this problem, we need to find out when the two trains will meet.

First, let's calculate the time it takes for Shim pin to travel the distance of 80 miles at a speed of 55 mph:
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 80 miles / 55 mph = 1.45 hours

Next, let's calculate the remaining distance left for Shim pin to cover (90 miles - 80 miles = 10 miles). Since both trains are traveling towards each other, we can consider this remaining distance as the total distance that needs to be covered by both trains.

Now, let's find out the combined speed of the two trains:
Combined Speed = Speed of Pip pops + Speed of Shim pin = 70 mph + 55 mph = 125 mph

To find out the time it will take for the two trains to meet, we can use the formula:
Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 10 miles / 125 mph = 0.08 hours (or 4.8 minutes)

Since Shim pin leaves at 7:30 and takes 1.45 hours to reach Pip pops, they would meet at 7:30 + 1.45 hours = 8:45 am.

To find out when Pip pops should leave to collide with Shim pin, we subtract the time it takes for both trains to meet (0.08 hours) from the time they will meet (8:45 am), giving us 8:45 - 0.08 = 8:44.92 (rounded to the nearest minute).

Therefore, Pip pops should leave at approximately 8:44 am to collide with Shim pin.