Which of the following statements best distinguishes between the functions of the House of Representatives and the Senate?(1 point)ResponsesThe House has the power to make laws and the Senate has the power to enforce laws.The House has the power to make laws and the Senate has the power to enforce laws.The House has the power to confirm treaties and the Senate has the power to try to convict officials for misconduct.The House has the power to confirm treaties and the Senate has the power to try to convict officials for misconduct.The House has the power to initiate revenue bills and the Senate has the power to confirm ambassadors.The House has the power to initiate revenue bills and the Senate has the power to confirm ambassadors.The House has the power to bring charges of impeachment and the Senate has the power to choose a president if there is no majority in the Electoral College.

The House of Representatives has the power to make laws and the Senate has the power to confirm treaties, try and convict officials for misconduct, and choose a president if there is no majority in the Electoral College.

What was the impact of the Seventeenth Amendment?(1 point)ResponsesThe Seventeenth Amendment allowed people to vote directly for president.The Seventeenth Amendment allowed people to vote directly for president.The Seventeenth Amendment allowed people to vote directly for House of Representatives members.The Seventeenth Amendment allowed people to vote directly for House of Representatives members.The Seventeenth Amendment allowed women to vote.The Seventeenth Amendment allowed women to vote.The Seventeenth Amendment allowed people to vote directly for senators.

The Seventeenth Amendment allowed people to vote directly for senators.

Which of the following statements best describes how the necessary and proper clause led to Congress’s implied powers?(1 point)ResponsesThe necessary and proper clause states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, which allowed Congress to create implied powers.The necessary and proper clause states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, which allowed Congress to create implied powers.The necessary and proper clause allows Congress to limit states’ rights, which led to Congress’s implied powers.The necessary and proper clause allows Congress to limit states’ rights, which led to Congress’s implied powers.The necessary and proper clause allows Congress to expand upon the powers stated in the Constitution, from which implied powers derive.The necessary and proper clause allows Congress to expand upon the powers stated in the Constitution, from which implied powers derive.The necessary and proper clause limits Congress’s power relative to the states in the Constitution, which created implied powers.

The necessary and proper clause allows Congress to expand upon the powers stated in the Constitution, from which implied powers derive.

Which of the following statements best hypothesizes why the Constitution provides for expressed powers?(1 point)ResponsesCongress needed unlimited power, so the Framers provided for that.Congress needed unlimited power, so the Framers provided for that.Congress needed sufficient power to govern, but not unlimited power.Congress needed sufficient power to govern, but not unlimited power.Congress needed the power to pass laws involving taxation.Congress needed the power to pass laws involving taxation.Congress needed the power to add amendments to the Constitution in the future.

Congress needed sufficient power to govern, but not unlimited power.