Identify the two houses of the United States Congress.(1 point)


Senate and Electoral College

House of Representatives and Supreme Court

Senate and Supreme Court

House of Representatives and Senate

The correct answer is:

House of Representatives and Senate

Which statement best summarizes the role of Congress as outlined in Article I of the Constitution?(1 point)

Congress is a democratic governing body responsible for levying taxes and interpreting laws.

Congress is a democratic governing body responsible for ratifying treaties that are negotiated by the president.

Congress is a democratic governing body responsible for creating a federal budget and making national laws.

Congress is a democratic governing body with impeachment power and the ability to enforce laws.

The correct answer is:

Congress is a democratic governing body responsible for creating a federal budget and making national laws.

Which type of visual aid would you construct to best explain the legislative process?(1 point)

a flowchart showing the passage of the bill in both houses and then moving on for the president’s approval

a Venn diagram showing the process of the passage of the bill in both houses and then the president’s approval

a flowchart showing the process of the passage of the bill in the House of Representatives and then the Senate

a T-Chart showing the process of the passage of the bill in both houses and then moving on for the president’s approval

The correct answer is:

a flowchart showing the passage of the bill in both houses and then moving on for the president’s approval

How can Congress override the president’s veto of a bill?(1 point)

with a two-thirds majority in conference committees

with a simple majority in both houses

by using the filibuster

with a two-thirds majority in both houses

The correct answer is:

with a two-thirds majority in both houses

Which of the following statements best explains the importance of taxing by Congress?(1 point)

The importance of taxing is to decrease the national debt.

The importance of taxing is to eliminate personal consumer debt and loans.

The importance of taxing is to help all citizens fund and pay for personal living expenses.

The importance of taxing is to raise revenue for the federal government.

The correct answer is:

The importance of taxing is to raise revenue for the federal government.

The correct answer is House of Representatives and Senate.

To determine the two houses of the United States Congress, you can refer to the U.S. Constitution, specifically Article I, Section 1. This section establishes the legislative branch of the U.S. government, which consists of Congress. Congress is divided into two houses: the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The House of Representatives is composed of members who are elected by the people of each state based on the state's population. The number of representatives for each state is determined by the Census Bureau every ten years.

The Senate, on the other hand, is composed of two senators from each state, regardless of population. This means that each state has an equal number of senators, giving smaller states the same representation as larger ones.

Both houses of Congress play important roles in the legislative process, with the House of Representatives having more influence over financial matters and the Senate having a stronger role in confirming presidential appointments and ratifying treaties.