Imagine that you are opening a self-serve frozen yogurt store. List at least five functions of marketing for this business and explain what activities would need to happen to complete them. Make 2 sentences.

1. Promotion: Engaging in advertising and creating a compelling brand image through various channels like social media, local newspapers, and radio, to attract customers. This would involve designing eye-catching advertisements, running promotions, and leveraging online platforms to reach a wide audience.

2. Market research: Conducting surveys, analyzing consumer preferences, and studying competitors in order to identify target markets, understand customer needs, and develop flavors and toppings that will appeal to the local community. This would require gathering market data, analyzing trends, and conducting taste tests to ensure the offerings meet the demands and preferences of potential customers.

3. Product development: Continuously innovating flavors and introducing new options, as well as sourcing high-quality frozen yogurt ingredients, toppings, and packaging, in order to provide a unique and irresistible product. This would involve collaborating with suppliers, experimenting with new recipes, and staying up to date with emerging trends in the frozen dessert industry.

4. Pricing strategy: Determining and setting competitive prices based on production costs, market demand, and pricing comparisons with similar frozen yogurt establishments in the area. This process would involve analyzing production and overhead costs, evaluating market pricing trends, and considering the positioning and perceived value of the store's offerings.

5. Customer service: Creating a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere in the store, training staff to provide excellent service, and implementing feedback systems to gather customers' opinions and continuously improve the overall experience. Activities would include hiring and training friendly and knowledgeable staff, creating a comfortable and inviting store layout, and using feedback cards or online surveys to solicit and address customer feedback.