why mother nicer to my older brother but not me

It's difficult to pinpoint the exact reason for why your mother might treat your older brother in a nicer way compared to you without knowing the specifics of your situation. However, there could be a few possibilities to consider:

1. Personality differences: People often have different personalities, and your mother might connect more easily with your older brother due to shared interests, communication style, or other factors. This could lead to a perception of preferential treatment.

2. Personal experiences: Your mother might have had different experiences or challenges with your brother compared to you. These experiences might have shaped her behavior towards him and influenced her perceptions and responses.

3. Gender roles and expectations: Cultural and societal expectations may influence parenting behaviors differently for sons and daughters. This could result in your mother showing different treatment towards your brother or having different expectations for the two of you.

4. Communication and understanding: It's possible that there may be a communication gap or misunderstanding between you and your mother that makes you perceive her treatment as different. Talking openly and honestly with her about your feelings could help clarify the situation.

Remember, these are just possible reasons, and every family dynamic is unique. It is important to communicate openly with your mother about your feelings and concerns, as understanding each other better can help improve your relationship.