In the folktale "The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed," the younger brother's generosity and kindness contrast sharply with the older brother's selfishness and greed. The younger brother shares his meager meal with the hungry swallow, while the older brother selfishly refuses to part with his food. As a result, the younger brother is rewarded with the magical ability to understand the language of animals, which helps him in his quest to find his lost horse. In contrast, the older brother's selfishness leads to his downfall, as he is unable to communicate with the animals and ultimately fails in his attempts to find the horse. This story teaches readers the importance of generosity, kindness, and empathy. It illustrates how selflessness and compassion can lead to unexpected rewards, while selfishness and greed can ultimately lead to failure.

Similarly, in "Don't Count Your Chickens," the younger brother's humility and perseverance contrast with the older brother's arrogance and laziness. The younger brother diligently tends to his garden and remains humble despite his initial setbacks, while the older brother boasts about his future wealth without putting in any effort. As a result, the younger brother's garden flourishes, providing him with an abundant harvest, while the older brother's neglected garden yields nothing. This story emphasizes the importance of hard work, humility, and perseverance. It teaches readers that success is not guaranteed solely by boasting or relying on luck, but rather by putting in the necessary effort and remaining humble in the face of challenges.

Overall, both stories highlight the importance of positive qualities such as generosity, kindness, humility, and perseverance. They teach readers valuable life lessons about the rewards of selflessness and hard work, as well as the consequences of selfishness and laziness. By contrasting the actions and outcomes of the younger and older brothers, these folktales provide readers with clear examples of how their choices and values can impact their lives and the lives of those around them.

Rewrite this in simpler words.

In the story "The Swallow and the Pumpkinseed," the younger brother is nice and shares his food with a bird, while the older brother is mean and keeps his food for himself. The younger brother is given a special power to understand animals because of his kindness, and it helps him find his lost horse. The older brother fails to find the horse because he is selfish and cannot talk to animals. This story shows that being kind and selfless can lead to good things, while being greedy can lead to failure.

In the story "Don't Count Your Chickens," the younger brother works hard in his garden and stays humble, while the older brother is lazy and boasts about his future wealth. The younger brother's garden grows well and he gets a lot of food, while the older brother's garden fails because he didn't put in any effort. This story teaches us that working hard and staying humble are important for success, and that boasting and luck are not enough.

Both stories show that being generous, kind, humble, and hardworking are important qualities. They teach us that our actions and values can affect our lives and the lives of others.