thigns a summary shouldnt include

1. Personal opinions or bias: A summary should only include factual information and avoid any subjective interpretation or personal judgment.

2. Irrelevant details: The purpose of a summary is to provide a concise overview of the main points or key ideas of a text. Including excessive or tangential details can make the summary unclear and lengthy.

3. Excessive technical jargon: A summary should aim to present information in a clear and easily understandable manner. Including excessive technical terms or jargon can make the summary difficult for a general audience to comprehend.

4. Repetition: The summary should not repeat information that has already been mentioned in the text. It should focus on providing a condensed version of the main points without reiterating unnecessary details.

5. Unattributed information: If the summary includes specific facts or claims, they should be properly attributed to their original source. Plagiarism should be avoided, and credit should be given to the appropriate author or material.

6. Details that are not mentioned in the original text: A summary should be faithful to the original text and should not include additional information or conclusions that are not explicitly stated or implied in the original material.

7. Unrelated anecdotes or examples: The summary should prioritize the inclusion of relevant and significant information from the original text. Adding unrelated anecdotes or examples can distract from the main points and confuse the reader.

8. Incomplete or partial information: A summary should aim to provide a comprehensive overview of the main ideas or key points covered in the original text. Leaving out crucial information can result in an inaccurate or misleading summary.